Wellbeing elixir

The Ingredients for a Vibrant, Happy LIfe

Be Still

Be Still

One of my favorite parts of the day is the early morning when I have the kitchen to myself. After making coffee and feeding our dog (Jed Walker), I get a few quiet moments to think and plan.

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Forgiving someone who has caused you pain, slighted you, disrespected you, manipulated you, ignored you, or insulted you can be really difficult. Sometimes the pain inflicted is simply too great - even after the tincture of time has dulled the acute trauma. But sometimes the slight or insult was not intentional - just an act of poor judgment or...

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Power of Habits

Power of Habits

Aristotle, the ancient Greek Philosopher, is believed to have said: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. But forming habits and sticking with them is never easy! It often takes 30 days, and sometimes longer, to build a new habit. And sometimes we get knocked off track and we need to rebuild a habit that we...

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I try to careful curate the things I watch on YouTube – it’s just too easy to get sucked in the vortex. However, I find this channel – Philosophies for Life – to be packed full of wise advice from a wide range of wisdom traditions. Each video provides practical, modern-day examples of how to apply the philosophical approach. This video addresses 4 fundamental principles of Taoist philosophy that can help one achieve greater happiness in life.

Here are two very helpful, best-selling books about forming good habits … and breaking bad ones.  In large part, we are our habits – quite literally, we are defined by our habits.  Sure, our lives have a few defining moments but much of what we do every day, every week, and every month is the result of habit. If you are fit and trim, it’s because you regularly exercise and eat sensibly.  If you are knowledgeable and wise, it’s probably because you regularly read and seek growth opportunities. If you are kind, it’s likely you regularly express gratitude and say uplifting things to people.  Habits are just automatic choices and healthy habits help us lead more productive, fulfilling, and happier lives. Of course, bad habits have the opposite effect. Habits free up our cognitive bandwidth so that we can pursue other worthwhile endeavors – like pursuing other habits.

Hidden Brain is a National Public Broadcasting (NPR) podcast hosted by Shankar Vedantham. Every episode includes great storytelling, well-informed guests, and practical insights into human behavior.  The guests come from several different academic disciplines – psychology, neurobiology, behavioral economics, sociology, and anthropology.  For the past few years, their summer-time episodes (called You 2.0) are dedicated to self-improvement concepts like finding meaning at work, how unpredictable events can lead to a fresh start, and the pursuit of happiness.  Most podcast episodes are 30-40 minutes long – so a perfect length for a commute to work or while making coffee in the morning. If you are not into podcasting, there is also the radio version of the show which airs 1-hour segments on your local NPR station. Intellectually stimulating. Fascinating. Love it.

We’ve been fans of Ryan Holiday’s books and the Daily Stoic e-newsletter for a few years. Consider subscribing – its free. The book The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living by Ryan and Stephan Hanselman is a compilation of short essays – one for each day of the year – that provide inspiration and promote thoughtful introspection. Most of us imagine a “stoic” as someone who is devoid of emotion and willing to bear heroic pain. While it’s true that Stoic philosophy encourages the development of self-awareness and self-control, it does not require one to become emotionless, sterile, and unfeeling. Rather Stoics believe that we achieve happiness by living a virtuous life (seeking justice, wisdom, temperance, and courage) and being in sympatheia (acknowledging that all things are connected to each other). The ancient Stoics engaged in many practices that have been empirically validated to improve wellbeing. If you are intrigued and want to learn more about Stoicism, this book is an accessible place to start.

If you haven’t yet read Sonja Lyubomirksy’s book The How Of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want, you should.  The book explores six evidence-based strategies that will enrich your life. You don’t have to adopt all of these strategies.  Indeed, it wouldn’t be wise to try more than one strategy at a time.  But when you find the strategies that fit you and your personality, you’ll lead a happier, more satisfying, contented life — regardless of your life circumstances.

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About Us

About Us

Seena and Stuart Haines

We are pharmacists and university professors. We have a passion for teaching and learning. Over the past decade we’ve become increasingly interested in the science of happiness and the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness, meditative practices, and yoga. Seena is a certified yoga instructor and certified health & wellness coach. Stuart teaches personal and professional development to doctoral students and routinely incorporates mindfulness activities in his classes. Seena has long been into fitness and nutrition. Stuart is an avid photographer and computer nerd. We are both very engaged with professional organizations. And we love to travel, read, and cook.

In 2018, we began to envision establishing a health and wellbeing center — at first online, but eventually a physical location. A place where people participate in activities that engage their mind, body, and soul. We will offer a variety of programs including yoga, meditation, and community-events. We hope to offer workshops and retreats. And we will integrate music, poetry, and the visual arts into everything we do.

Yoga Apothecary LLC was born in 2020! While we hope to make this a viable business, we are motivated by our desire to help people and communities achieve a sense of wellbeing. We’re grateful to have this opportunity to share with you our passion and excitement. We look forward to learning and growing with you.

Helping People and Communities Achieve a Sense of Wellbeing

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