Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain

Drawing From the Right Side of the Brain

A mosaic of the four seasons created by Seena (with an assist from Stuart) December 2018 Each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. The right side of the brain is the source of our intuition, creativity, and BIG picture thinking. The left side of the...
Energy Flows Where Intention Goes

Energy Flows Where Intention Goes

Our words and thoughts have power. They have the power to change our mood and our mindset. Generating a positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. Setting an intention is more than wishful thinking. It is a purposeful mental act to envision results and...
What’s Your Why?

What’s Your Why?

Are you feeling stuck? Have you lost your mojo? Does every day feel like groundhog day?  Rather than searching for your life’s purpose….. consider reframing things. How can you use your time to do the things that are most important to you?   ...
Experience Awe!

Experience Awe!

How often do you experience AWE? Probably not often enough. When we experience awe we feel we are in the presence of something vast or beyond our comprehension. It is a reverential emotion of respect mixed with wonderment. It is often prompted by nature or the arts...

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